What Does – and Doesn’t – Show up on Your Credit Report

Here’s a guide to what shows up on your credit report. Learn what’s included and not included in your report – and how it factors into your credit score.

What Does a Credit Report Show

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Credit reports offer lenders a detailed look at what you’ve borrowed and how well you’ve repaid it.

Other information about your finances, such as income and cash flow, is not included. Neither, typically, is your credit score.

Other financial commitments you have, such as rent or utility bills, usually show up on your report only if you fall behind and they’re sent to a collection agency. But ways are emerging to get positive repayment history reported on these, too.

Your credit report gives creditors and others who review it a complete picture of your financial situation, right? Actually, it doesn’t. Instead, what shows up on a credit report is a deep dive into just one element of your finances: how much you’ve borrowed and how well you’ve repaid it. 1,2 So what does a credit report show?

What Does Show Up on Your Credit Report

That may sound like a lot of information. And if you have a long credit history, your report may be several pages. Still, there’s plenty of information about your financial health that is not on your credit report, and it helps to know what is – and isn’t – helping you build a positive credit history.

Not on Your Credit Report: Income, Savings, Investments

Creditors use your report to determine how risky it would be to lend you money, and having money is no guarantee you’ll use it to pay your bills on time. Therefore, your credit report does not include your: 5

While we’re talking about assets, we shouldn’t ignore cash – even though credit reports typically do. The logic is that credit reports are focused on money that you borrow and repay, not money that you already have. Therefore, your credit report does not include:

There are a couple of exceptions to note. First, some banks that offer overdraft protection for checking accounts consider the protection a line of credit and may report it as such. 6 If you have overdraft protection, you may want to check with your bank to find out whether they report it to the credit bureaus. 6 Second, FICO has dipped its toe in the water to begin tracking cash flow. UltraFICO ® , is an optional program that allows consumers with marginal credit scores or minimal credit history to use a pattern of responsible cash flow management to boost their scores. 7 Cash-related activity will continue to be invisible to those who do not opt in.

You May Not Get Full Credit for Being Responsible

If you pay your rent and utilities on time every month, that can show you’re responsible with your money. So you ought to see the benefits on your credit report, right? Unfortunately, you typically won’t. 8 That’s because landlords aren't legally required to report your rent to credit bureaus. 8 Generally, your credit report will not show payments toward your:

Unfortunately, if you fall behind on payments for any of the above, that bad news might show up on your credit report. That’s because collection agencies are members of the credit reporting bureaus and report to the bureaus on the accounts they handle. 8

There are some ways, though, to get your responsible payment history on these items reported for your benefit. Assuming that your landlord cooperates by verifying your rent, rent-reporting services can arrange to have your rent payments reported to the credit agencies. 8 Some such services are free, while others charge more than $100 a year, so it’s a good idea to do a bit of research before choosing one. 9

A final point on the tradelines: Because the report is intended to guide lenders, it focuses on money you owe lenders. Other money that you owe typically does not get reported. For example, a loan from your 401(k) – money that, in effect, you borrow from yourself – will not show up. 10 And medical debt will not be reported either, unless it is assigned to a collection agency. 11