Applications to the City's planning and zoning boards are provided below for your review. The information provided here is representative of the applications as received. However, because of file size not all application documents may be provided on this site. You may view full application documents at the City Planning and Development office on the 6th floor of City Hall. Specific meeting agendas will be posted about one week prior to each meeting.
If you wish to submit written comments in lieu of speaking at a public hearing, include your name and address, reference the application number, and submit to:
Planning & Development Office
P.O. Box 2207
Greenville, SC 29602
Fax: 864-467-4510
Written comments must be received by the Monday before the hearing in order to be given adequate time for consideration by the Commission before the hearing. Comments received after that Monday will be provided to the Commission at the hearing. All comments will be made part of the public record.
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